Driver Easy will automatically renew your license if you enable auto-renewal. You will receive an email from 2checkout subscription billing before 30 days / 7 days / 1 day of expiration. And 2Checkout, as the authorized reseller of Easeware Technology Limited online products and services, will automatically attempt to charge you one day before the license expires and renew the subscription for you.
If you didn’t enable the auto-renewal, or if you turn it off manually, we will send you a notification email via 2Checkout a month / a week / a day before the license expires.
When the license expires, Driver Easy will prompt a message telling you that you need to renew your license before you can go on using the Pro version.
To renew your license, just click the Renew Now button. Then follow the on-screen instructions to renew your subscription.

Alternatively, you can follow the steps below to renew your license:
1. Open Driver Easy, then click the Menu icon.
2. Click About.
3. Click Renew Now in the pop-up window and follow the on-screen instructions to renew your license.