FAQ 1. What should I do if I haven ‘t received my license key or if I forget / lost my license key?
If you don’t receive your license key immediately after purchase, please don’t panic. This usually happens when our payment provider identifies certain flags in the transaction that might suggest fraud. While our payment provider is investigating the transaction, the payment is not taken (only pre-authorised) and the license key is not sent. In almost all cases, it turns out to be a false alarm, and the transaction is approved within 30-60 minutes. The license key is sent automatically as soon as the transaction is approved. All of this is done to ensure that your card isn’t used fraudulently.
You can also visit https://www.drivereasy.com/resend-license-key/ and enter the Email address you used to order Driver Easy or the Order Number to retrieve your license key.
FAQ 2. What should I do if I want / don’t want to renew my license key?
Driver Easy will automatically renew your license if you enable auto-renewal. You will receive an email from 2checkout subscription billing before 30 days / 7 days / 1 day of expiration. And 2Checkout, as the authorized reseller of Easeware Technology Limited online products and services, will automatically attempt to charge you one day before the license expires and renew the subscription for you.
If you didn’t enable the auto-renewal, or if you turn it off manually, we will send you a notification email via 2Checkout a month / a week / a day before the license expires.
FAQ 3. How do I view the activation history of my Computer Repair Shop license?
Please follow the steps below to view the activation history:
1) Visit https://www.drivereasy.com/cp/.
2) Enter your Username and Password correctly to login.

3) Click View Activation History.

FAQ 4. How do I increase the number of PCs allowed by my Computer Repair Shop license?
Please follow the steps below to increase the machine number:
1) Visit https://www.drivereasy.com/cp/.
2) Enter your Username and Password correctly to login.

3) Click Increase Machine Number.

4) Place a new order to increase the number of PCs allowed by your license.

FAQ 5. Can I upgrade my Driver Easy Pro license key to activate more machines?
The Driver Easy Pro users need to order a new license key to activate more machines.
Currently we provide 5 options for Home / Business users. For more information, please visit our pricing page.